

This page is currently out of date.

Please refer to this DW post right now while the mods update this page. Thank you!

Voting is very simple. Any registered member of any team, including Team Noir, is allowed to vote. Voting opens roughly 48 hours after each main or collab round closes. On the DW community, a link will be posted to a voting webform. Each person may cast one vote for three teams using this form.

Depending on the number of teams in the HSWC, the entries may be divided up to make them more manageable for participants. If that occurs, participants who go to the voting webform will receive a list of ~20 entries for them to read and consider. From this smaller group, they will be expected to pick their top three favorites. Entries will be assigned to participants at random by a program that the coding team is creating, and entries will be evenly distributed among all participants for voting. The program will try to make it so that participants have the chance to vote on an entry from every team over the course of the event, though this may not be possible depending on how many entries each round receives, how many people vote, etc.

Members will have roughly one week to vote on their assigned entries. After this first round of voting is completed, the highest scoring entries from each division—likely 15-16 in total, though this number may change—will advance to a final vote round.

Participants will have one week to pick their top three favorite entries from the final vote group. Based on the votes, the top fifteen teams will be sorted into a final ranking, and points will be distributed accordingly.

It is strongly recommend that you not discuss your voting choices publicly. (Privately, of course, is your own business.)

The only rule for voting is: DO NOT vote for your own team. If you do, your vote will be invalidated and your team will lose ten points. We'll try to set it up in a way that it should be fairly impossible to vote for yourself, but it's still worth mentioning.

There is no bonus round voting; those fills and prompts receive points as noted.

While leaving comment reviews on main/collab/bonus round entries doesn't earn additional points, please do it if you can! Your fellow participants will really appreciate feedback on all their hard work, and the more comments you leave, the more likely you are to receive comments on your own pieces (though there is of course no guarantee).

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hswcrules: Voting (last edited 2014-06-19 01:35:26 by HSWC Mod Team)